Technical Growth Log

14 posts

My /boot/efi/ became 100% full suddenly and this is how I resolved the issue

As the title says - a while ago I was doing something with my operating system Pop!OS and voila, all of a sudden my laptop threw me a pop up saying something like 'low disk capacity - /boot/efi 100% full, 0MB available'. Wow, thanks, that sounds quite alarming and not very fun. In fact, the Internet told me that /boot/efi has very much to do with rebooting and I did not want my…

2020-09-25   4 mins read

What to do when sudo won't work

When sudo doesn't work, it kind of feels like the end of the world (to me, at least). I noticed this message 'unable to resolve host fun-toy: Name or service not known' started to show every now and then when I ran certain commands and sudo didn't work. Here is what to do when you want that ultimate power back. Contents The cause of the issue & Fix (1) How I identified the…

2020-09-25   1 mins read


When I am working on a new tech stack or an online course, expecially in the middle of it, I try not to check tech news very much because it's easy to get fascinated by something new and start a project, but it's harder to not get distracted and actually finish what you started. I would like to use that as an excuse for my having not noticed Deno 1.0 release for A MONTH (even a…

2020-06-23   1 mins read

Inspirational digital products, figures, and other witty & beautiful & fun things that make me want to work harder and become a better frontend engineer

People & Things that keep me going. Web Applications Six Degrees Of Kayne West Queering The Map Setify Websites Make Noise Co. Andrew MacCarthy SOAP Web Platforms DEV Queer Tech Electronic Frontier Foundation Glitch Al Jazeela Bandcamp OHNOTTYPE Activists & Creators Edward Snowden Eva Galperin Dr. Maya Angelou Rebecca Sugar Viktor Belmont Chelsea Manning Laura Poitras Grace…

2020-06-23   1 mins read

Do not mix Bulma classes and your styling if you are using React/JSX

I am remodeling my app Democratic Carpool Karaoke using Bulma, and here is just a quick memo for my future self. Do Not Add any styles into pre-defined Bulma classes! Like for example, don't even attempt to do anything like hero is Bulma pre-defined classes. If you are going to do use CSS styles with plain HTML and CSS, this won't cause any problems (as far as I know) but if…

2020-05-28   1 mins read

Modularizing functions & promises

The 2 main goals of my renovating my app Democratic Carpool Karaoke were To modularize functions into smaller parts from one gignatic server.js file Make it mobile friendly As I was working on goal (1), I needed to add asnyc function to my code. It did seem like a good timing to revise promises and async/await, and I'd like leave some memo mostly for my future self. Contents…

2020-05-25   3 mins read


This is the latter half of promise & async/await revising session post. Contents Definitions Syntax Switch to async/await from promises (1) Definitions MDN says "An asynchronous function is a function which operates asynchronously via the event loop, using an implicit promise to return its result. ..." Another important thing to remember: An async function can contain an…

2020-05-25   2 mins read

How to upgrade npm dependencies

I have a confession: I did not know how to update npm dependencies until today. I know, it's shameful. But the good news is now I do! I wanted to improve Democratic Carpool Karaoke but alas, some of depencies were a bit too old so I looked up how to pretend everything is okay when it's not to upgrade npm dependencies. I'd like to leave some memos for my future self. Contents…

2020-05-23   2 mins read

🎉 New website with Bulma + Gatsby 🎉

As I code and solve the operating system issues with Pop!_OS more, I started wanting to write about and share my experiences and knowledge with fellow developers. I made a website to host what I wrote as well as to showcase my applications. If you are interested in my operating system struggle learning journey, you can also read My root filesystem became 97% full within…

2020-05-20   4 mins read

My root filesystem became 97% full within 3 months and I had to migrate my /home to separate partition

Never did I ever think I would spill a glass of water on my precious MacBook Pro. But I did, on one of the worst day of the year for me to do so; 24th December. On 25th most stores would be closed, 26th was a boxing day and most repairers would be still closed and I had something due on the 27th. I had no choice but to go in BestBuy filled with festive muggles and make a quick…

2020-04-13   4 mins read

Lessons learned from making web app Democratic Carpool Karaoke

DCK makes a mixed-generation playlist on user's Spotify account based on the year user and their friends were born. It may makes more sense if you just click here and try it out. Click here for Source code. The initial inspiration was my bitter-sweet childhood experience; I wanted to listen to Pokemon songs so badly but whenever I was in a car with my mom, I had no choice but…

2020-04-04   7 mins read

Lessons learned from making web app Smart Brain

Smart Brain Demo GitHub repo for the view GitHub repo for the server and database (1) What is .desktop file? After the installation of Postman with Snap, I somehow couldn't open it up although I did see it installed in my /home/Desktop/ (I normally don't like to put anything in /Desktop but the page I referred said so I followed.) I wouldn't have minded starting it up from…

2020-03-29   6 mins read

Intro to Redux.js

RoboRedux demo GitHub repo (1) What is Redux and when to use it? Redux manages the state, so it's userful when your application is large and you need to manage many states and share them between multiple containers. (2) Three Redux principles 1. Single source of truth - bundle state in one object store You'd have one single object store that describes the entire state of the…

2020-03-16   2 mins read

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