democratickarpoolkaraoke demo

Democratic Carpool Karaoke

  React.js  Node.js  Heroku  Spotify API

Going on a drive with your grandparents? Don't know what to listen to? This web app generates a Spotify playlist for you that consists of 50 popular songs of your generation and another 50 of your carpool-buddies' generation, all evenly mixed. Give it a try!

Also read   Lessons learned from making web app "Democratic Carpool Karaoke"

RoboRedux demo


  React.js  Redux.js

Mini robo search engine powered by React.js and Redux.js. Logs changes of the state using Redux-logger and handle API call with Redux-thunk.

Also read    Intro to Redux.js

smartbrain demo

Smart Brain

  React.js  Node.js  PostgreSQL  Clarifai AI API

Input an image address in the search box and voila! It shows where exactly a face locates in the image. This app works with AI-powered API and stores user data in PostgreSQL database hosted on Heroku.

Also read    Lessons learned from making web app "Smart Brain"

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